题名:心灵鸡汤 , 花样年华
作者:Jack Canfield ... [等] 编著
ISBN: 978-7-5337-2295-1
分类号: H319.4
中图分类: 读物
定价: 20.00元
页数: 420 页
出版社: 安徽科学技术出版社
装订: 平装(无盘)

A Second Chicken Soup for the Woman's Soul has taken more than year to write,compile and edit.It has been a true labor of love all of us.One of the greatest joys of creating this book was working with people who gave this project not just their time and attention,but their hearts and souls as well.We would like to thand the following people for their dedication and contributions,without which this book could not have been created.