C#作为微软的旗舰编程语言,深受程序员喜爱,是他们编写高效应用程序的首选语言。Visual C# 2010新增了大量可圈可点的丰富特性,本书围绕着基础知识和这些新特性全面介绍了如何利用Visual Studio 2010和.NET Framework 4.0编写应用程序。书中沿袭深受读者欢迎的Step by Step风格,通过丰富的练习引导读者逐步构建Windows应用程序,访问SQL Server数据库,开发ASP.NET Web应用程序,创建并使用Web服务等。<br />全书共29章,结构清晰,叙述清楚。所有练习均在Visual Studio 2010简体中文版上进行过全面演练。无论是刚开始接触面向对象编程的新手,还是打算转移到C#的具有C,C++或者Java基础的程序员,都可以从本书中吸取到新的知识。
About the Author,John Sharp is a principal technologist at Content Master, part of CM Group Ltd, a technical authoring and consulting company. An expert on developing applications with the Microsoft .NET Framework and interoperability issues, John has produced numerous tutorials, white papers, and presentations on distributed systems, Web services, and the C# language. He is the author of several popular books, including Microsoft Windows Communi